Key Indicators Your Agency Could Benefit

There are a number of key indicators that suggest an Agency could benefit from Struggle Well. These are the top markers.

​High Turnover

  • Low retention/high turnover rates and low rates of job satisfaction are key markers to assess

​Environment of Distrust

  • Lack of trust of agency leadership within staff ranks
  • Sense of agency betrayal

​Underutilized Wellness Services

  • Agencies that find that the wellness resources are not being utilized should take a close look at what’s happening

​Afraid to Report Struggle

  • Overall feeling of fear in reporting struggle or having a hard time

​Poor Engagement

  • Noticeably poor engagement with peers, family, and friends

​Critical Incidents

  • Suicide, fighting, behavioral issues are major indicators

​Culture that Shuts Down Vulnerability

  • Environment that considers being vulnerable is a weakness
Now we have mechanisms in place. I can call the Doc. I can get a peer support Sergeant there within a reasonable amount of time or if it’s so bad, I can just tell them to “go home. You don’t need to use your leave.” I have leeway with this, the department is behind me… and people will follow-up.  When I was a new cop, it was unheard of. If you took time like that, that was a weakness — you were not a cop. That culture has changed dramatically, and I do believe it is in part because of Struggle Well.
Struggle Well program participant, Tucson Police Department