
Denzel Washington | When It Hurts

Denzel Washington
Buckleup Motivation
October 15, 2024

Yes it hurts. I know. When you find yourself alone, enveloped in darkness, feeling unseen, unheard, uncared for – it cuts deep. But amidst this pain, I urge you to realize the most crucial truth of all: You must love yourself fiercely. To make a mark on this world – to truly live and not just exist – you must fall in love with yourself anew. Stop the cycle of self-hatred. Stop beating yourself down. Lift yourself up. Do something – ANYTHING – that propels you forward, that crafts a better version of yourself.

Understand that life is not merely a series of days to be endured but a canvas on which to paint a masterpiece of impact and meaning.

Life is indeed short. Many have left us too soon not knowing that the very next day would bring an end to their plans and dreams. They thought tomorrow awaited them, yet they did not wait to see it. But you – YOU who are here in this moment – you are alive. What will you do with this precious gift? Do not wait for life to happen to you. Do not wait for others to fix your path. Life is not a game, it is the rawest form of reality – filled with highs, and lows, and the undeniable truth of now. The power to improve your life rests in your hands and yours alone. Banish those things that do not build you up – that do not fill you with strength and efficiency. Reject passivity and embrace the challenge of living fully.

Every breath you take is a testament to your resilience. Do not surrender to despair. You are here for a reason. Each day is a new chance to leave your mark. Help someone up when they’re down. Be their strength when they feel weak, and perhaps when you find yourself at your lowest you will find hands reaching out to lift you.

Remember, struggle is universal – no one is spared. The battles you face today forge the victories of tomorrow. Each challenge, each setback, is an integral step on the path to greatness. Do not fear the pain. Do not shy away from the struggle – embrace it – for it is The Crucible in which true character is formed.

As we stand together in this room, let us us not dwell on the uncertainties of tomorrow, for tomorrow is beholden to no one. It has already made up its mind. Focus instead on today – this moment, this opportunity. What you could not achieve yesterday is past, but what you can achieve today is in your hands. You may have walked through fire to get here, you may carry scars, but let me tell you these scars are not signs of your defeat but badges of your indomitable spirit. Hell may have tried to claim you, but it did not create you.

You are here because a greater power saw fit to place you in this moment, in this life with all its possibilities. And yes, some have reached heights of success, but they too had to navigate through their own storms to reach their summit. Every successful person has a story of hardship, of endurance, of resilience. What will your story be? What of those who face greater trials – the ones who cannot walk, who cannot speak, who suffer illnesses with no cures – what of them? What of you? What will you do with this one wild and precious life you’ve been given? Will you falter because of a bad day, a lost job, or a moment that didn’t go your way? Or will you rise, recognizing that every challenge is a stepping stone to greater heights?

We are all accountable – all responsible – not only for ourselves but for one another. And as long as your heart beats – as long as air fills your lungs – you are not done. Your story is not over. The time is now – not to lie down, but to rise up. Rise above despair. Rise above defeat. Push forward, not back, for time waits for no one and it certainly won’t pause for you. It’s time to show what you’re made of. Time to prove that your existence is not in vain.

It takes grit. It takes sacrifice. It takes a relentless will to push through when every fiber of your being wants to give up. But this is not about pity, this is about rising to the occasion of your life. Celebrate your existence, for no matter the circumstances the act of living offers you the chance to change, to evolve, to transcend. So many may doubt you – but while they doubt, spend no time on their skepticism. Instead, invest your energy in believing in yourself. Live your life with a breath of passion and purpose. Do you hear it? The call to live – to really live! Breathe in life, breathe in possibility, breathe in your potential, and let’s embark on this journey together – with hearts full and spirits undeterred, ready to embrace each moment, each challenge, each opportunity. To truly live. Let’s make our lives extraordinary together.

– Denzel Washington

About the Authors

Denzel Washington
Buckleup Motivation