PTG in Clinical Practice

Evaluating Resource Gain: Understanding and Misunderstanding Post-Traumatic Growth

January 1, 2007
Applied Psychology

In response to a previous article by Hobfoll and colleagues the authors challenge certain representations and clarify key aspects of posttraumatic growth (PTG), emphasizing the need for a comprehensive understanding of the concept.

In response to an article by Hobfoll and colleagues, theoretical and empirical considerations regarding the concept of posttraumatic growth are reviewed. It is noted that posttraumatic growth should be assessed as such, with measures developed specifically to address this construct; that it follows a challenge to and re-examination of core beliefs, not every bad experience; it can be influenced by many factors; it can coexist with distress during stages of the process without indicating that growth is unimportant or negative; and it can follow various trajectories, including ones where it may at first serve one function, but later involve personally transformative changes.

Read the Article “Evaluating Resource Gain: Understanding and Misunderstanding Post-traumatic Growth”

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