
Ted Lasso | Be Curious, Not Judgemental

Jason Sudeikis
Bill Lawrence
Brendan Hunt
Joe Kelly
September 7, 2023

We believe that life is not hard, but it is hard work. Being great at life and struggling well requires a number of attributes and qualities – none more important that being curious. Curious about yourself, other people, and the world. As Albert Einstein said, “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” For reasons that we hope are obvious, Ted Lasso is one of our favorite shows. It is charming, wise, tackles serious subjects thoughtfully, and spotlights the value of kindness. In this video, Ted talks about why it is so important to remain curious.

Be curious, not judgemental – Walt Whitman

In a scene from the show Ted Lasso, the protagonist Ted and the antagonist Rupert wager on a game of darts. Taking his final turn at the board, Ted – who is losing by a mile – shares the moving story that has become a frequently quoted lesson in leadership.

“Guys have underestimated me my entire life and for years I never understood why – it used to really bother me. Then one day I was driving my little boy to school, and I saw a quote by Walt Whitman, it was painted on the wall there and it said, ‘Be curious, not judgmental.’ I like that.”

“So, I get back in my car and I’m driving to work and all of a sudden it hits me – all them fellas that used to belittle me, not a single one of them was curious. You know, they thought they had everything all figured out, so they judged everything, and they judged everyone. And I realized that their underestimating me – who I was had nothing to do with it. Because if they were curious, they would’ve asked questions. Questions like, ‘Have you played a lot of darts, Ted?’”

“To which I would have answered, ‘Yes sir. Every Sunday afternoon at a sports bar with my father from age ten until I was 16 when he passed away.’ Barbecue sauce.” (Ted expertly throws all of his darts to win the game.)

Thank you, Team Lasso, for the emphasizing the power of kindness, teamwork and connection.  

About the Authors

Jason Sudeikis
Bill Lawrence
Brendan Hunt
Joe Kelly