
This sponsorship represents the cost of one of our most impactful program modules: The Connection Module. Using Equine Assisted Learning, this module helps participants recognize the connection between the way we interact with our world and the way horses interact with their herd. Through experiential learning participants see the positive impact of regulated breathing and posture, and learn that the best way to lead and communicate is with a calm and connected head and heart.



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What your support represents

What is the Connection Module?

Winston Churchill once said, “There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.” Horses demand authenticity and can perceive the emotions and energy of humans. They insist that humans be congruent – a sense of alignment between thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Using this proven power of horses, the Connection Module provides students with the opportunity to get reconnected with themselves and the world around them. By the end of this module, Warrior PATHH participants are able to practice and deduce the difference between connection and control – assessing the impact their energy and presence have around horses and applying it to human relationships.

Browse the Warrior PATHH program
Working with the horses, I felt something shift. For the rest of the program I was engaged, I was sharing things I haven't shared in a long time and I needed to get those things off my chest.
Warrior PATHH Graduate

How we support you

This Sponsorship Includes:

*6 VIP tickets
*Reserved VIP tented seating areas
*Exclusive VIP reception prior to event
*Sponsor logo on event banners and marketing materials, event webpage, and in event emails
*Acknowledgement and tagging in social media posts regarding event

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Horses don't speak our language so we have to learn to speak theirs. It's nonverbal communication. When things got tough, using those same techniques helped me take a step back and approach the situation differently.
Warrior PATHH Graduate