
This sponsorship represents the cost of a 2-day Struggle Well program for active duty first responders. This program teaches participants how to turn their day-to-day struggles into lifelong strength and growth.



Learn about the impactful individuals, organizations, and local businesses that are coming together to support our nation’s heroes by sponsoring this fundraiser!

What your support represents

What is Struggle Well?

A comprehensive approach that focuses on transformation of the active serving military and first responder culture, rather than the implementation of another wellness program.

Struggle Well training is guided by two objectives: normalizing the struggles that are a part of every service member and first responder’s life, and democratizing their ability to struggle well.

Struggle Well trains active serving military units and first responder agencies so participants are able to transform struggle into strength and growth, and be of better service to themselves, their family, community, and country.

Browse the program
A necessary course. It will save lives and provide first responders a second chance. Open dialogue is key - we must help each other.
Struggle Well Participant

How we support you

This Sponsorship Includes:

*10 VIP tickets
*Reserved VIP tented seating areas
*Exclusive VIP reception prior to event
*2 priority parking passes
*Sponsor logo on event banners and marketing materials, event webpage, and in event emails
*Acknowledgement and tagging in social media posts regarding event

Register to Sponsor
In 20 years on the job, Struggle Well is by far the best training I have ever received.
Struggle Well Participant