The Posttraumatic Growth Inventory for Children (PTGI-C; Cryder et al, 2006) was developed in a study exploring the construct of posttraumatic growth among youngsters who experienced Hurricane Floyd and the subsequent flooding. It is a 21-item adaptation of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (Tedeschi & Calhoun, 1996). The PTGI-C assesses positive changes associated with having to deal with traumatic stressors.
On a 4-point scale (1-4), the measure reflects five domains of posttraumatic growth: New Possibilities (e.g., “I have new things that I like to do, e.g., hobbies, toys, etc.”), Relating to Others (e.g., “I feel closer to other people than I did before”), Personal Strength (e.g., “I learned I can count on myself’), Appreciation of Life (e.g., “I learned that life is important”), and Spiritual Change (e.g., “I understand religious ideas more”). Alpha for the PTGI-C was .89. Each child was also asked to rate the severity of the traumatic event (i.e., the Hurricane Floyd flooding). (PsycTESTS Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved)
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