Boulder Crest Institute

The Boulder Crest Institute exists to further program development, training and education, research and evaluation, and social and policy change centered around the science of Posttraumatic Growth.

Meet Dr. Richard Tedeschi

Dr. Richard Tedeschi is the Executive Director of the Boulder Crest Institute and creator of Posttraumatic Growth science and methodologies. Dr. Tedeschi  is considered the foremost authority in PTG and his work was named in Stanford University’s list representing the top 2% of the world’s most-cited researchers.

READ his bio Understanding Posttraumatic Growth

The EVOLUTION of Posttraumatic Growth

The science of Posttraumatic Growth was initially described in 1995 after a decade of research and clinical work focused on individuals who had experienced trauma. UNC-Charlotte professors and psychologists Richard Tedeschi and Lawrence Calhoun discovered that many people grew in positive ways in the aftermath of their trauma. Their work grew into a body of scientific evidence supported by many researchers, much of which is available in our online PTG Resource Library.

Dr. Tedeschi leads the Boulder Crest Institute and is dedicated to supporting combat veterans, first responders, and their families. Dr. Tedeschi is supported in this work by Deputy Director of the Boulder Crest Institute, Dr. Bret Moore, a twice-deployed former Army psychologist, and Director of Research, Dr. Taryn Greene, an Air Force Veteran and Health Psychologist.

The Boulder Crest Institute is the world leader in advancing the science of Posttraumatic Growth (PTG), and we use our research and data to support the development and enhancement of our transformative PTG training programs.

Training and Education

Our Posttraumatic Growth-based curriculum and programs enable participants to thrive after trauma through research-supported, evidence-based methods. We will soon offer a Posttraumatic Growth-based certification program for licensed mental health practitioners who are dedicated to helping others thrive.

Learn About PTG Certification Explore our training programs
Our focus is to shine a light on PTG so that mental health practitioners can learn about the possibility of growth in the aftermath of trauma, and in turn, help the people they serve to see their potential for growth, value, and worth.
Dr. Richard Tedeschi

Research and Evaluation

At the Boulder Crest Institute we consistently measure and publish the impact of our PTG programs via qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods approaches. You can find a variety of empirically based PTG survey and measurement tools for researchers and practitioners in our PTG Resource Library.

Visit our PTG Resource Center View PTG Surveys & Measurement Tools View our Research Collaboration & Data Sharing Policy
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Learn about PTG from the experts

The Boulder Crest Institute and our Scientific Advisory Panel comprise experts in the field of Posttraumatic Growth.

Request an interview
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growth in Spiritual-Existential Change following Struggle Well Training


increase in Posttraumatic Growth experienced by Warrior PATHH graduates


sustained reduction of stress experienced by Warrior PATHH graduates


Learn more about the process of PTG and domains of life where people experience it.

Discover the Science of PTG