Understanding Posttraumatic Growth

It’s possible to thrive in the aftermath of trauma.

Learn about the transformative power of Posttraumatic Growth (PTG) and how we’re pioneering training programs based on the science of PTG.

What is Posttraumatic Growth?

Posttraumatic Growth is a positive psychological transformation that can happen after trauma.

The science of PTG demonstrates that when we’re forced to reflect on our lives and make sense of the destruction caused by trauma, our struggles can become a catalyst for change.

Trauma does not have to be the end of the road, rather it can be the path to a new beginning.

PTG Resource Center
Through our darkest moments we’re tested and forged into the wiser, more authentic human beings we’re destined to be.
Josh Goldberg, CEO, Boulder Crest Foundation

How We Grow From Trauma

Traumatic events are often unexpected and can damage or destroy our core beliefs. In the aftermath of trauma, we must rebuild our system of core beliefs, just as a city rebuilds its infrastructure after an earthquake. Better. Stronger.

The PTG Process

Learn more about the process of PTG and domains of life where people experience it.

Boulder Crest Institute

The Boulder Crest Institute is the world leader in advancing the science of Posttraumatic Growth (PTG), and exists to further program development, training and education, research and evaluation, and social and policy change centered around the science of Posttraumatic Growth.

We use our research and data to support the development and enhancement of our transformative PTG training programs.

Learn more

Were My Core Beliefs Shattered?

The more we understand our struggles, the more likely we are to use hard times as fuel for transformation. Answer a set of questions to understand whether a specific event (or set of events) shattered your core beliefs. Then, read, watch, and listen to resources on this page and in our resource library to find out more about how you can experience PTG.

Take the Quiz

FAQ’s about Posttraumatic Growth (PTG)

Meet Dr. Richard Tedeschi

Take a deep dive with Dr. Richard Tedeschi, Executive Director of the Boulder Crest Institute and creator of Posttraumatic Growth science and methodologies.

READ his bio

Explore all PTG resources & research 

Boulder Crest is the home of Posttraumatic Growth (PTG) and the global leader in the development, delivery, study, and scale of PTG-based programs.

Visit our PTG library
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increase in Posttraumatic Growth experienced by Warrior PATHH graduates


growth in Deeper Relationships after attending Struggle Well training


sustained reduction in anxiety experienced by Warrior PATHH graduates